Keep Your Display Active

Do you have problems with your display going idle on you all the time, too? Here is the solution: trick it into believing you were doing something useful by doing something stupid.

while [ true ]; do xsendkeys Shift_L; sleep 30; done


  1. I was halfway through the windows pointer API documentation when she left…

    Fun Fact: I read some windows versions don’t start the screensaver as long as there’s a context menu open. Never tested it though.

  2. And everY 30 seConds .:. :)

    bTw: aS for eveRything therE’s an apP for tHat on Mac called caffeine

  3. eBrnd, have you gone back to Windows?

    Jörn, you certainly type slowly! ;)

    I don’t think I ever hit that shift; you’d have to press a letter precisely the milli-/nanosecond the event triggers. Even if, I prefer an unwanted capital over an unwanted shortcut. Shift struck me as an utterly impact-free candidate.